This is one of the ideas that I wanted to develop for a long time. Because building miniatures takes a lot of time, I never got around to most of the ideas. But now that I also work digitally, I can shape all my ideas much more easily and quickly. I can quickly see whether the idea comes across as I thought it would.

A bare tree in scaffolding is what I always wanted to work on. I have always found the fact that humans try to order, reorganize, style and manipulate nature intriguing. Why is our urge to do this so great?

A fascination for construction in the service of nature, to adjust it or as an addition, made me create this triptych.

Image 1: The service - protected nature.
Humans use fences and grids to protect nature, against other species or even our own.

Image 2: The adjustment - reconstructed nature.
A tree in scaffolding. Will this tree be renovated? Will it get artificial leaves?

Image 3: The addition - constructed nature.
Nature and construction can also merge into one as in a work of art. This tree is placed on a concrete pedestal and the scaffolding seems more of a symbolic reference than a functional construction. Is this tree even real?

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