Even as a child, I was fascinated by the magic of imagination. With each story I would let my imagination run wild and, in my mind, shape a world in which that story took place. I had countless ideas, collected all kinds of materials and thought of ways to transform my thoughts into tangible images. This is how my artistic journey of discovery and my personal search in this life gradually unfolded.
Awareness of what takes place outside the physical world and our sensory perception has always fascinated me and forms the basis of my artistic process. In it I give form to the invisible, the intangible and at the same time the universal, namely the essence of our existence. With titles as ‘My Shielded Heart,’ ‘Under the Surface,’ ‘The Temple of Awareness,’ ‘House of Now,’ I indicate that we humans not only exist physically but are also part of a much larger consciousness. I visualize this thought through my work by creating a world in which - as in a dream - the natural and the supernatural, the conscious and the unconscious, the possible and the impossible coexist. To this end, I use contrasting materials and objects with which I use both recognizable as well as imagined elements from architecture and nature with each other combine. This puts 'reality' as we know it in a different light: existing and imaginary worlds intertwine, giving everyday elements such as a house, a factory or a plant a supernatural function in addition to their existing meaning.
I think my working method stems from an unconscious desire for a world without contradictions between reality and fantasy, between death and life, temporality and eternity. A longing for the cosmos, a continuum in time and space in which everything comes together in the form of matter and energy.